Shop Orvietoviva is a portal collecting products for sale that can be purchased online directly from sellers.
There are only companies and shops from Orvieto and the Orvieto area. Shop Orvietoviva, being a showcase of products, is not responsible for the relationship between customer, buyer and seller, so it is important to know that:

  • Features, photos, availability and selling price of each product belong to their respective sellers. Shipping costs are excluded from the price and may vary based on weight and place of destination (which can be calculated before proceeding with the purchase and payment directly on the seller’s website).
  • For information on each individual product just click on the photo or name of the same to access the card.
  • To purchase a product, simply click the “Buy Product” buttons. At this point you are redirected directly to the seller’s shop. Here you can know and calculate the additional costs for shipping that are established by the individual seller.
  • The conditions of sale, the processing of data, the return policy for each product are exclusively those established and published on the websites of the sellers.